Oier Mees

Oier Mees

Postdoc in Robot Learning

UC Berkeley


I am a PostDoc at UC Berkeley working with Prof. Sergey Levine. I received my PhD in Computer Science (summa cum laude) in 2023 from the Freiburg University supervised by Prof. Dr. Wolfram Burgard. My research focuses on robot learning, to enable robots to intelligently interact with both the physical world and humans, and improve themselves over time. These days, I am particularly interested in how we can build self-improving embodied foundation models that can generalize the same way humans do. My research has been nominated for (and received) several Best Paper Awards, including ICRA and RA-L. Previously, I also spent time at NVIDIA AI interning with Dieter Fox.

  • Robot Learning
  • Robot Foundation Models
  • Language Grounding
  • Postdoc in Computer Science, 2024

    UC Berkeley

  • PhD in Computer Science, 2023

    University of Freiburg


Past News


UC Berkeley
Sep 2023 – Present USA
Advisor: Prof. Sergey Levine.
Robotics Research Intern
Oct 2022 – Mar 2023 Remote
Advisor: Prof. Dieter Fox.
University of Freiburg
Ph.D Candidate in Computer Science
Jan 2017 – May 2023 Germany
Doctoral advisor: Prof. Wolfram Burgard.
University of Freiburg
Student Research Assistant
Apr 2014 – Jan 2016 Germany
Frauenhofer IPA
Student Research Intern
Feb 2013 – Jul 2013 Germany
Student Research Intern
Jun 2011 – Jul 2013 Spain
Student Research Intern
Jun 2010 – Sep 2010 Spain